
Our Pricing Packages

Your satisfaction is our priority. Fill in the form below and we'll be more than happy to assist you

Pay Monthly Annually SAVE 20%
Free /1 user
14-days trial period
Free Features ↓
  • 1 Document / month
  • 1 Plagiarism Check / month
  • 1 AI Detection Checks / month
  • 10 Screenshots / month
  • 0,2 GB Storage Space
  • Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Document Sharing
  • Security
  • Typing Check
  • Idle Time Monitoring
Standard monthly
$15.00 /user
Billed monthly
All in Free, plus ↓
  • 15 Documents
  • 25 Plagiarism Checks
  • 25 AI Detection Checks
  • 200 Screenshots
  • 200 Webcam Images
  • Auth Sessions
  • 30 Readability Checks
  • 10 GB Storage Space
  • Courses
  • Tasks
  • EduLegit Score
  • User Roles and Permissions
  • Notifications
  • Historical Data
  • Commenting
  • Survey Tools soon
  • Version History
  • Backup and Restore
  • Data Export
  • Calendar Integration soon
Standard yearly
$144.00 /user
Billed yearly
All in Free, plus ↓
  • 15 Documents
  • 25 Plagiarism Checks
  • 25 AI Detection Checks
  • 200 Screenshots
  • 200 Webcam Images
  • Auth Sessions
  • 30 Readability Checks
  • 10 GB Storage Space
  • Courses
  • Tasks
  • EduLegit Score
  • User Roles and Permissions
  • Notifications
  • Historical Data
  • Commenting
  • Survey Tools soon
  • Version History
  • Backup and Restore
  • Data Export
  • Calendar Integration soon
Pro monthly
$25.00 /user
Billed monthly
All in Standard, plus ↓
  • 30 Documents
  • 100 Plagiarism Checks
  • 100 AI Detection Checks
  • 500 Screenshots
  • 500 Webcam Images
  • Auth Sessions
  • Readability Checks
  • 20 GB Storage Space
  • Courses
  • Tasks
  • Geo Activity Monitoring
  • Attention Map
  • Risk Activity Alarm soon
  • Heatmap Analysis
  • Writing Style Analysis
  • Lexical Diversity
  • Beta Access
  • Suspicious Activity Monitoring soon
  • API Access soon
  • Monthly Summary Reports soon
Pro yearly
$240.00 /user
Billed yearly
All in Standard, plus ↓
  • 30 Documents
  • 100 Plagiarism Checks
  • 100 AI Detection Checks
  • 500 Screenshots
  • 500 Webcam Images
  • Auth Sessions
  • Readability Checks
  • 20 GB Storage Space
  • Courses
  • Tasks
  • Geo Activity Monitoring
  • Attention Map
  • Risk Activity Alarm soon
  • Heatmap Analysis
  • Writing Style Analysis
  • Lexical Diversity
  • Beta Access
  • Suspicious Activity Monitoring soon
  • API Access soon
  • Monthly Summary Reports soon

Tailored solutions for large organizations with custom needs.

The Enterprise plan includes all features of the Pro plan

For organizations with unique requirements, we offer customized solutions, including:

  • Flexible Limits:
  • Adjust limits on documents, checks, storage, and more to fit your needs.

  • Custom Functionality:
  • Add new features and integrations as required.

  • Personalized Pricing:
  • Tailor-made pricing plans based on your organization's specific usage and requirements.

  • Dedicated Support:
  • Priority support with a dedicated account manager.

  • Exclusive Features:
  • Access to features not available in other plans, designed in collaboration with your team.

To discuss the Enterprise plan in detail, please contact us to explore how we can best support your organization's needs.

Compare plans & features

Features & limits
Free /user
Get Started
Standard monthly
$15.00 /user
Get Started
Pro monthly
$25.00 /user
Get Started
Free /user
Get Started
Standard yearly
$144.00 /user
Get Started
Pro yearly
$240.00 /user
Get Started

Monitoring and Analysis

Plagiarism Checks
Verify the originality of your documents with plagiarism detection.
1 / month
25 / month
100 / month
AI Detection Checks
Identify AI-generated content in your documents.
1 / month
25 / month
100 / month
Capture screenshots of user activity for monitoring purposes.
10/ month
200 / month
500 / month
Webcam Images
Record images from the webcam during sessions.
200 / month
500 / month
Auth Sessions
Track user authentication sessions and login activities.
Suspicious Activity Monitoring
Track user authentication sessions and login activities.
Geo Activity Monitoring
Track user activity based on geographic location.
EduLegit Score
Get a comprehensive score reflecting document integrity.
Attention Map
Visualize user focus areas within documents.
Risk Activity Alarm
Receive alerts for high-risk activities detected.
Heatmap Analysis
Analyze user interactions through heatmap visualization.

Document Management

Create, edit, and manage your documents.
Data Export
Export data in various formats.
Backup and Restore
Backup and restore your data securely.
Typing Check
Check typing speed and accuracy.
Idle Time Monitoring
Monitor idle time during document creation.
Writing Style Analysis
Export data in various formats.
Lexical Diversity
Evaluate lexical diversity in your writing.
Readability Checks
Assess the readability of your documents.

Course and Task Management

Task Management
Organize and manage tasks efficiently.
Create, manage, and participate in courses.
Track and manage individual tasks.
Calendar Integration
Track and manage individual tasks.

User and Access Control

User Roles and Permissions
Define and manage user roles and permissions.
API Access
Access EduLegit features through APIs.
Get help and support when you need it.
Receive notifications for important events and updates.

Data and Reporting

Storage Space
Store your documents with ample space.
0,2 GB
10 GB
20 GB
Historical Data
Access historical data for detailed analysis.
Detailed Reports
Generate comprehensive detailed reports.
Monthly Summary Reports
Receive monthly summary reports of activities.

Collaboration and Communication

Store your documents with ample space.
Survey Tools
Access historical data for detailed analysis.
Document Sharing
Generate comprehensive detailed reports.

Security and Compliance

Ensure your data is secure.
Version History
View and restore previous versions of documents.
3 months
6 months
Backup and Restore
Backup and restore your data securely.

Additional Features

Beta Access
Get early access to new features with beta access.

Optional add-ons

Cost /mo
Additional Plagiarism Checks
Additional AI Detection Checks
Additional Screenshots
Additional Webcam Images
Additional Documents
Additional Readability Checks
Additional Storage Space
10 GB